Task: No electricity and food

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Task: No electricity and food

Going to bed hungry is a sad reality that millions cross the continent have to contend with.
To shine a light on the plight of the poverty stricken, the Housemates are set to go without food and electricity today. The only thing the Chasemates will be allowed to eat are fruits. They will also be allowed to drink water and nothing else.
As soon as Head of House Beverly read out the Task Brief, the Housemates headed to the garden where they found material that they will use as bio fuel, to ensure their survival. The trash will also be used to create a sculpture that the Housemates will display prominently in the garden.
It seems the Task, as well as the ONE Campaign as a whole got a lot of the Housemates thinking, as it should. “This is what some people to do to earn a living. They separate cans from plastic. Recycling clearly can help in eradicating poverty,” Elikem said, as he and his fellow Housemates rummaged through the trash strewn across the garden.
Will the Housemates survive a full day without electricity and food and will their sculpture earn them a Task victory? We’ll have to wait and see!

Cleo, Dillish and Feza are up for possible Eviction this week. Vote here to keep your favourite Housemate in the game.

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